Theta is about more than just socializing with our sisters. It's about making a difference together and giving back. That's what we aim to do for CASA of Oklahoma County.
Emily Blake, Past President

Game On
The Oklahoma City Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae chapter supports CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) as our local philanthropy.
In 2019, we supported CASA as the premier sponsor of the inaugural GAME ON fundraising event on March 28, 2019 at the Oklahoma History Center. As a chapter we raised more than $20,000 for CASA.
Through our alumnae chapter and the Oklahoma City community's support, the event raised more than $98,000 for children in need.
Thank You to the following Thetas for your financial support of CASA.
Beth Armstrong, Patricia Austin, Laura Basden, Sally and Joe Blake, Donna Blakely, Betty Boyd, Becky Buchanan, Kathy Carrington, Nikki Cheatham, Jayne Clarke, Amy and David Cottrell, Catherine Driskill, Stacy Dykstra, Lisa Elder, Mary Fraley, Dorothy Gourley, Chelle Greene, Gumerson Blake Design Build, Karen Raupe Hanstein, Tamara and Jeff Hermen, Nancy and Steve Hetherington, Bette Jo and Frank Hill, Jessica and Caleb Hill, Marian Hill, Jennifer Holmes, Elizabeth Hooper, Gennie Johnson, Mary Anne Koch, LeAnn Lienhard, Adelaide Liedtke, Mary Lippert, Jenee Lister, Malia Love, Donna McCampbell, Tabitha McCuan, Courtney McPhail, Phoebe Mitchell, Barb Munneke, Libby Nelson, Lee Ann Nordin, Marran Ogilvie, Julie Rankin, Geraldine Raupe, Shannon Rundell, Kristin Russell, Susie Sadler, Johnna Schick, Terri Schmidt, Bonnie Schwarz, Terry Sinclair, Marsha Swift, Linda Tate, Donna Vogel, Harriet Weirich, Erin and Jeff Zanotti.
Please consider being a part of this unique opportunity to give children a voice through celebrating and supporting the work of CASA of Oklahoma City.
Please add 3% to your gift if you wish to cover the transaction fee associated with online giving.
Give Now
Will support 1 home visit to a CASA child in Tulsa
Provides a CASA Advocate to a child in foster care for one year
Provides background screening for 3 new CASA volunteers
Will support 24 community lunch and learn events to recruit more CASA volunteers
Recruits and trains a new CASA Advocate
Any Amount
Makes a difference in the mission of CASA of Oklahoma County to advocate for the needs of children in foster care
Will support 10 home visits for a CASA child
Be a Part
Make a difference with your gift